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Prometheus Group Guidelines

Punctuality and Professionalism

At Prometheus Group, punctuality, politeness, and professionalism are paramount:

  • Punctuality: Arriving on time is essential to perform our duties effectively. Job commencement hinges on all staff members being present.
  • Service User Search: Before conveying a service user or starting a complex care job, a thorough search is mandatory. This includes a pat down and use of a metal detecting wand.
  • Accepting Responsibility: Only accept responsibility for a service user after visual confirmation and verifying Section papers for detained users.
  • Property Handling: All patient property must be securely stored in the vehicle's boot and accounted for on the transfer report.
  • Travel Protocol: Avoid stopping anywhere with a service user onboard except at police stations or hospitals, especially when restroom needs arise.

Incident Reporting

Incident reporting and documentation are crucial for accountability and safety:

  • Completing Incident Forms: Fill out an incident form for any incident, physical intervention, or near-miss. For physical intervention, also complete a specific form.
  • Responsibility: RMNs handle incident reporting in their presence; otherwise, HDI presence is responsible.
  • Accident Book: Document all incidents resulting in staff or service user injury or property damage in the respective accident book.