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Exploring Prometheus Complex Care Ambulances

Overview of Complex Care Ambulances

Let's delve into our complex care ambulances, which are tailored for staff transportation to and from complex care jobs.

Differences from Transport Ambulances

Vehicle Usage: Complex care ambulances are not used for patient transport but exclusively for staff transport.

Interior Layout: The rear seating and stock are minimal compared to transport ambulances.

Seating: Cloth seating is used instead of leather, reflecting the vehicle's function.

Specific Vehicle Types

SKODA Estate Cars: Used similarly for staff transport, equipped with manual transmission and petrol engines.

Wheelchair Adaptive Vehicle: Requires training for wheelchair ramp and patient securing, operates on automatic transmission.

Specialized Stretcher Ambulance: Training needed for jobs requiring stretcher facilities, includes necessary equipment and operates on diesel.

Important Points

  • Training: Contact Joel or Sean for training on specific vehicle types.
  • Fuel: Pay attention to vehicle fuel types (petrol or diesel) to prevent incorrect fuelling.
  • Equipment: Handcuffs, metal detectors, PPE, and paperwork are stored in designated compartments.


That concludes the fleet induction for complex care ambulances. If you have any questions or require further assistance, please don't hesitate to approach Joel or Sean.