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Prometheus Ambulance Checklist

Overview of Ambulance Checks

Before heading out on your job, it's crucial to complete the following checks to ensure the ambulance is ready and safe.

Checklist Items

  • Mileage: Record starting mileage and note finish mileage upon job completion.
  • Fuel Level: Ensure the tank is at least half full before departure.
  • Cleanliness: Verify the ambulance is tidy and dispose of any rubbish or clinical waste.
  • Lights: Confirm all lights (front and rear) are operational.
  • Tires: Check tire treads and ensure proper inflation.
  • Vehicle Warnings: Report any dashboard warning lights or issues.
  • PPE: Ensure all personal protective equipment and necessary tools are present.
  • Equipment: Verify all equipment is correctly stored and secured.
  • Patient Properties: Return all patient belongings to the client.
  • Refuelling: Refuel the ambulance to full capacity after each job.
  • Inventory Check: Report any missing items or replenishment needs to CLMs or coordinators.
  • Damage Inspection: Inspect for any vehicle damage before and after the job.
  • Additional Notes: Include any other issues or comments in the provided section.


Once completed, sign and date the checklist. This ensures all necessary precautions and preparations have been made for your ambulance operations.