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Operational Housekeeping Rules

Performance-Based Bonus

As you near the completion of your induction course, here are the final operational housekeeping rules at Prometheus Safe & Secure:

  • Performance-Based Bonus: There is a performance-based bonus scheme in place for all staff, details of which will be explained during your in-person induction.
  • Rest Periods: It is crucial to take sufficient rest periods between shifts to ensure you can fulfil your role effectively and safely, maintaining the wellbeing of yourself, colleagues, and our services.
  • Duty of Care: Adhere to our duty of care policy throughout your employment, promoting the company positively through your conduct and interactions with customers.

Key Pass Access

There is a key pass stored in the key safe outside the post room in the basement at Fort Dunlop:

  • Key Pass Location: Located in the key safe outside the post room in the basement at Fort Dunlop.
  • Access Instructions: Contact the CLM during induction to obtain the code for the key safe. Ensure the key pass is returned promptly after use, as it is shared among multiple staff.